Television Programmes & Documentaries

Sara's voice is plausible, professional and extremely easy listening. She invites you into a programme perfectly. She is constantly responsive to the energy of the show, applying the right level of balance and tempo to the narration. Her tonal quality and timbre has a rich sound, which is easily sustained throughout lengthy projects. This means Sara is great news for documentary and television series. Essential for adding that all-important brand continuity.

"Sara has  a wonderful mix of intelligence and sassiness that adds that extra element of quality to a documentary voiceover."

Jo Schneider on behalf of
Discovery Networks Europe

Sara is the consummate professional, The master of the first take! We recently produced an adventure travel programme for international distribution and her voice added the perfect narrative. Sara voiced our script in record time leaving us valuable time to fine-tune our edit.

Sandy Stevenson, FRIDAY
(For Sky Sports & other channels)

"Fun to work with, Sara's attitude to work is nonetheless utterly professional.  And her voice sounds great too!"

Helen Bettinson, Revoicing Producer
The History & Biography Channels